As we deal with the impact that the Covid-19 Pandemic is having on our lives, please be aware of precautions that the Luzerne United Methodist Church is taking to protect the health & safety of our Congregation & Community.


1. Masks/Face Coverings - While not required, we welcome anyone who wants to wear a mask or face covering while inside our Church to do so.  We have masks available at the entrance to the Sanctuary and encourage anyone who wishes to please take one.  

2. Hand Sanitizer - Hand sanitizer is located at Sanctuary entrance and we encourage our attendees to make use of it to help keep the spread of germs and bacteria to a minimum.

3. Socially distant pew seating - We strongly encourage parishoners and visitors to maintain proper social distancing.  We have opened our pews up for full capacity, however we do still recognize the need to take precautions.  When attending in person services, we encourage families to sit together whenever possible.

4. Collection/Offering plates - We are still not "passing the plate" during our weekly collection during Worship Service. Instead, colletions plates are located at the beginning of each of the aisles. Please place any offering you may wish to give in the plate as you enter, when the Pastor gives an opportunity to do so during service, or upon leaving.  In addition, an option to give online instead of in person can be found on our "Give" page on our website and also as the top post on our Facebook page.

5. Communion - We are not doing traditional Communion as normally served by the Pastor/Pastoral Leader. When Communion is part of the service, individually wrapped and sealed juice cups and wafers will be located prior to entering the Sanctuary. Please take one to use during Communion which will be taken while Congregation remains in their pews.

6. Online Woship when appropriate - There will be times when our Church, for safety reasons, and in close coordination with our Biship and District Superintendent, will change from in person to online Worship services. These services will be held via Live Zoom call for interactive engagement. The Zoom calls will be simultaneously streamed live to both Facebook page and our Website.

We pray that there will come a time when we, as the Children of our Lord, have defeated this virus together. Until such time, we will do what is needed to maintain safety and respect for our Congregation and Community, while still furthering the Work of spreading God's Good News in any way we can.